Mariano photo

Hi, I'm Mariano! Open To Work

Full Stack web developer with 1 year of experience, based in Argentina. I am open to opportunities and seeking a role as a frontend developer.


  1. Vinyls Store | Freelance

    We're in the final stage of developing an online vinyl store, a project being worked on by two people. On the frontend, we used JavaScript, EJS as the templating engine, and CSS for design and presentation. On the backend, we employed Node.js and Express for server creation, along with Sequelize and MySQL for database management.

    We implemented robust validations using express-validator and ensured password encryption with bcryptjs, allowing us to securely compare user credentials stored in the database.

    For user session management, we used express-session and handled cookies with cookie-parser. Additionally, we implemented custom middleware to manage user authentication status.

    Our system includes admin and user roles, enabling full CRUD functionality for both user and product management. This ensures that administrators can manage inventory effectively while users can interact with the store efficiently.

  2. Digital House Certificate

    My passion for technology and computing led me to shift my career path and train as a Full Stack Developer at Digital House, an institution supported by Mercado Libre and Globant. During my studies, I developed skills in various technologies. On the frontend, I am proficient in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, and React. In the backend, I have experience with Node.js, Express, Sequelize, MySQL, and REST APIs. I also gained experience in version control using Git, with GitHub as a platform for repository hosting and collaboration. Additionally, I have experience implementing agile methodologies such as Scrum.


Screenshot of the project Todo-List.png

Task Manager

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • CSS
  • HTML
This project is developed with TypeScript and React, using Vite as the build tool. The application allows users to add, mark as completed, and delete tasks. The styles are defined in CSS. The project structure is modular, with reusable components and a responsive design.
Screenshot of the project /Foto1.4.jpg

Vinyls Store | E-commerce

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Sequelize
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • MySQL
This project is a responsive e-commerce website, currently deployed without the database. It was built with Node.js, Express, Sequelize and MySQL . It allows users to browse, search, and purchase products. The website includes features like user roles (admin and regular users) and full CRUD operations for managing users and products.
Screenshot of the project /Foto3.jpg

Tic Tac Toe | Game

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • CSS
  • HTML
This project is a game using React and Vite. The game includes logic functions such as checkWinner and checkEndGame to determine the winner and check if the board is full. The user interface is crafted with React components, and state management is handled using hooks. ESLint is utilized to ensure code quality, while CSS is used for styling.
Screenshot of the project /Foto2.1.jpg


  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
This project is a responsive frontend website similar to Tinder. It features a user interface where users can view profiles with photos and users can swipe left or right to activate Like or Nope. The website is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it displays a series of cards with images, names, and ages of people.
Screenshot of the project /Foto2.jpg

Mercado Liebre

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
This project is a responsive frontend for the homepage of an e-commerce website, designed to ensure a smooth user experience across all devices.

About Me

My Personal Side

I could describe myself in three words: optimistic, hardworking, and perseverant. I always choose to view life from a positive perspective and believe that effort is one of the few things we can control to achieve our goals. In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym and cooking. I find that working out keeps me energized, and I love cooking new recipes to share with my family


Based in Argentina, GTM-3.


I studied at Digital House, where I obtained a Digital House Certificate program in Full Stack Development. During my studies, I gained skills in front-end technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS and React, as well as back-end technologies including , Node.js, Express and REST APIs. For database management, I learned to work with MySQL and Sequelize. I have also gained experience in version control using Git, with GitHub as a platform for repository hosting and collaboration.

Mariano Xinos